DoodleBugging brought home gold... Kinda.
DoodleBugging brought home gold... Kinda.

DoodleBugging got first place at Boston Startup Weekend. Their slogan: “A Craigslist that doesn’t suck”

DoodleBugging connects people who are selling things to buyers on Twitter. Their goal is to rid the world of location-restricted search and Web 1.0 interfaces by utilizing Twitter’s open API to match sellers with buyers globally.

DoodleBugging was cool, but it didn’t have the flash and edge to it that iZaazu had.  iZaazu is an Android application that let’s you customize your alarm clock. The application lets you decide how you want to wake up. Features include; syncing to your Gmail, sports scores, weather, personalized messages, public transportation alerts, and stock quotes. Imagine waking up and reliving last night’s Celtics at-the-buzzer shot. There is no way you could have a bad day after that.

“iZaazu is how you wake up in the 21st Century.”- iZaazu

Now, if iZaazu could update me in the morning with my Release Q favorites, we would be golden.

ReleaseQ helps you keep track of your favorite movies, music, books, and video games as they move through the distribution pipeline. Take the new Avatar movie; you add it to your ReleaseQ favorites and a timeline will appear. The timeline tells you what stage of the game the product is in. Now it says Avatar is in theaters, but you can find the dates for DVD release easily if you don’t want to pay for the silver screen experience. If the trailer is released then it will link you to where you can watch it. Is it in theaters? ReleaseQ makes it easy to buy tickets. Best of all; if it has been released on DVD then you can add it to your Netflix queue. ReleaseQ is a fun way to stay on top of your media game.

ReleaseQ and iZaazu both tied for second place and took home a whopping $16 each.

Doodle Bugging took home first place and received mentorship from Tech Stars and $2000 in legal counseling from Cooley.

Other companies who presented included: is a website that helps people find and post open office hours. Open office hours are a growing trend, especially in Boston. lets YOU customize the web pages you visit on your mobile phone. All you have to do is click and drag content to design a customized page.

Hey! I got you these! ( ) is a community built for online web comic authors and their a fans. It encourages promoting and feeding ramen to the authors and illustrators in the web comic world. connects pharmaceuticals to contractors when they are looking to outsource their projects. is like a beefed up Yahoo Answers. You can video chat with experts based on their LinkedIn profiles and ratings.

Chorelog started off as way for useres to keep track of what chores their roommates are doing. It was developed by Mac Cowell, who had fun building it alone with advice from others at the event.

All of the teams killed it at Boston Startup weekend, which should be returning to the city in the next six months, according to Startup Weekend’s event coordinators. What are your thoughts on Boston’s Startup Weekend? Was there anything else you would have liked to see?