Some of your favorite iPhone Apps are from Boston
Check out these iPhone Apps from Boston

As the advertising feud between AT&T and Verizon — and the smart phones they carry — heats up this Holiday Season, it can be hard to decide which to choose.

Although Verizon’s Droid is gaining popularity, it still can’t compete with iPhone’s 6.4 million active users in the United States.

One thing that sets the iPhone apart is the App Store, which has not only changed the way we use cell phones, it’s also created a whole online marketplace.

Boston is filled with young early adopters — people who are willing to test out new technology. So with all the demand for iPhone Apps in Boston, it’s not surprising that tons of iPhone Applications have been created by Boston developers.

Here are ten of our favorite iPhone Apps from Boston:

1. Run Keeper – We mentioned Run Keeper in our YouTube post last week. Run Keeper tracks your fitness activities, graphs your workout history, and lets you share your success on Facebook and Twitter.

2. Mass. Transit App – Um hello! This one’s a no-brainer. The MBTA‘s application tells you where the closet bus or T stops are and when the next train or bus will arrive.

3. Note Taker –  This iPhone application lets you “write” notes on lined paper. Note Taker is perfect for grocery lists; or even better, class-notes. Notebooks are so 2008.

4. Citizens Connect – See something wrong with the city? Take a picture of the pothole or un-shoveled sidewalk that’s been bothering you and send it to Boston’s City Council.

5. Jet Setter – Tally how many miles you’ve traveled around the world. Track your distance, check the scoreboard, and chat with other “jet setters” around the world.

6. Appswell – Submit your ideas and collaborate with others to come up with the next big iPhone application. If Appswell chooses your application, you get money in your pocket.

7. DunkinRun – If you’re the office’s coffee guy, DunkinRun notifies all of your co-workers when your going on a coffee run and organizes their orders for you. If that’s not Boston, I don’t know what is.

8. Trip Advisor – Check out customer reviews and submit your own reviews on local restaurants.  Trip Advisor recently updated the app to allow users to upload pictures of restaurants. Bonus!

9. WHERE – The WHERE app uses GPS technology to help you find the hottest local restaurants, check the local weather, find movie times, get traffic updates, and get directions.

10. Free Boston – The Free Boston app lists free attractions to do in Boston. A little ironic that it costs .99˘, but it gives you the website, telephone number, and other useful information for tons of free stuff to do in Boston.

What’s your favorite iPhone app? We really want to know what you think of the Mass. Transit app!