Pop a couple chiclets for all your social media sharing needs

It’s actually a white paper, but if you want to know about chiclets, Boston based Overdrive Interactive has written  everything you need to know about using chiclets with Facebook, Twitter, blogs, video and anything else you want to share across the web. Check out the recently released whitepaper Chiclets: The Social Glue of the Web to learn all about how chiclets bridge the gap between social media and the rest of the net.

Wondering how candy coated chewing gum helps you share web content? You’re thinking of the wrong chiclets. The kind we’re talking about are buttons that let web surfers link articles, videos, and products to social media apps with one click. If you want to see an example, just check out those shiny buttons to the right of this post. Those are chiclets. We’ve got Facebook, Twitter, and Reader but there are over 40 total according to Overdrive Interactive’s chiclet guide. If you haven’t before, try one out and see how easy it is to link articles like this one to your social media outlets.

In the whitepaper, Overdrive calls them the “social glue” (social gum perhaps?) of the web. The web is a dense forest of content. With chiclets, you can explore as deep as you like and never lose sight of your friends back in social media town. They’re kind of like social media breadcrumbs, if I may coin my own chiclet analogy.

So if you want an easy way to plug your favorite web media into your social media scene, be sure to keep an eye out for these one-click linking tools. If you’re a business trying to expand your social reach, you better stick some chicklets to that company website or blog.

Chiclets are becoming essential to the way we filter web content and keep our social media platforms up to date. Social media and web continue to mesh, but there are still a few cracks. With their new whitepaper, Overdrive Interactive has done a great job relaying the marketing value of chiclets, and spreading the “social glue” that can plug the gaps.

Enjoyed the white paper?  Want to turn your marketing dollars into an investment rather than an expense?  Check out Overdrive Interactive’s blogs. Their site is also full of Search Engine Marketing and Social Media Marketing insights.  Founder Harry Gold also displays his knowledge as a ClickZ Expert Columnist.