Slated to launch Sept. 20th, Daily Challenge is the latest health and well-being product from Boston-based MeYou Health. The site/service provides members with simple daily health-promoting challenges and makes them fun by adding game mechanics and a social twist.

We received early access to test drive Daily Challenge and tried out MeYou Health’s unique approach to getting people healthy and happy. The experience was easy, fun, and I think I feel a bit healthier already. The game mechanics weaved into the Daily Challenge experience are all the rage right now and a powerful way to build engagement. And seeing SCVNGR’s recent success – why not give it a shot.

Of course, we all would like to live healthier lives. But with all the hustle and bustle many of us encounter every day, eating right or working out just aren’t options sometimes. Fortunately, Daily Challenge aims to show us that the secret to better health lies in doing simple positive actions – eat more veggies at lunch, read for 30 minutes, organize your closet – and doing them regularly.

do it for your health. or for stamps.

After signing up, Daily Challenge provides you with a daily reminder to complete the day’s challenge and a bit of education around “why it matters” – neat. But what’s really cool is how they’re driving engagement through Facebook Connect and a rewards program. The actions themselves are simple, convenient ways to make positive changes in our lives, but what’ll keep people coming back are the points and stamps earned for completing challenges, sharing experiences, going on a streak, etc.. Plus, with seamless Facebook integration, it’s easy to build a network of supporters or perhaps introduce some friendly competition to the challenges.

Daily Challenge is just the latest of many apps and services released by MeYou Health (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Healthways, Inc) that help promote healthier lifestyles through simple, manageable actions. Read more about their last product launch “Community Clash.”

Social Media Manager Alicia Benjamin explains, “At MeYou Health, when we say, ‘Do, Learn, Change’ we are championing the idea that action – the doing and achieving – which is the gateway to positive change we can maintain. And the way in which we deliver these opportunities is through small, daily actions that are social and shareable with friends.”

MeYou is also preparing launch a stair-climbing app, Monumental, and a Facebook health app, ChangeReaction. See all of their apps and services here.

Get healthy and follow MeYou Health on Twitter and Facebook.