Who knew wine and technology would go together so well? We’ve all been there: you’re drinking a delicious glass of vino, assigning a mental note to remember the brand, but after a few more glasses the name, well, eludes you. Not anymore. With the Second Glass’ new mobile site, the next time you want to remember a glass of wine, it’ll be right at your fingertips. No more aimlessly wandering through the aisles of the liquor store or perusing the wine list without guidance.

The Second Glass is your unpretentious, badass source for baller wine information. Their main goal is to bring wine to the masses through educational tastings, events, and newsletters. Often perceived as a hobby of the well-to-do, wine enthusiasm hasn’t necessarily been a huge hit with the millennial generation. Second Glass hopes to change that by emphasizing that wine drinking should be fun, and that everyone can be an expert in no time.

This weekend is the Second Glass’s fourth Boston Wine Riot (tickets going fast), but it’s the first time they’ve augmented the event with fancy new mobile technology in the form of their new mobile site. Wine Riot isn’t your standard wine expo – you can swirl, sniff and sip over 250 wines from all over the globe, attend crash course wine seminars, dance, hit the photo booth, vote for your favorites, and hang with Boston’s hippest 20-somethings. Also new this year is the 90+ Cellars lounge. 90+ cellars is a Boston based winery known for sourcing wines of critical acclaim, bottling them under their own label, and then selling for a discounted price.  Attendees will be able to vote using the mobile website for a specific wine that 90+ cellars will then bottle and sell next season under the Second Glass Wine Riot name.

The Second Glass mobile web site will act as your tour guide on the way to becoming a wine connoisseur. The site is pre-loaded with information from all of the wineries attending Wine Riot and is can be sorted by booth, making it easy to quickly rate and save wines as you taste.

After sampling a wine you can then rate the wine with either two “thumbs up,” “one thumb up,” or “meh” (meaning you don’t like it). The wines you rate will be stored in “My Wines,” a section of the mobile site where you can keep track of wines you liked based on how many “thumbs up” you gave them.

The “My Wines” feature will be crucial next time you’re at the store and trying to remember that delicious Cabernet you tried at the Riot. With “My Wines,” you’ll have all of the information right there. If the wine store doesn’t carry that exact wine, they’ll have enough information to find a similar one.

Even if you aren’t able to attend Wine Riot, you can use the mobile site to see all of the top rated wines there. These wines will be carried at stores all throughout the city with “giant Wine Riot signage,” according to Morgan First, co-founder of Second Glass.

For more information follow the Second Glass on Twitter and Facebook.