Historically the New England VC and Technology ecosystem has been criticized for not doing enough for the local communities. This is changing! To underscore the change on June 9th, over 500 “entrepreneurs” are pitching in for the betterment of New England. We hope “Tech Gives Back” citizenship day catalyzes a moment that becomes a community service continuum that sets the stage for future generations.

We started Technology Underwriting Greater Good (TUGG) two years ago to foster early stage social innovation focused on education, entrepreneurship and life experiences for young people in New England.  Simply put: we harness the resources of our tech community to (1) source and filter ideas; (2) fundraise; (3) engage directly to establish the next generation of social innovation.  We have funded seven grants and placed dozens of mentors/advisors, and are proud to work with groups like More Than Words, Generation Citizen, Bikes Not Bombs, Science Clubs for Girls, Boston Scholars, Young Entrepreneurs Alliance (YEA) and Teen Voices.

To date, we have over 1500 TUGGers within the NE tech community and we expect the number to reach 5000 by next year.  Twice a year, TUGGers attend parties designed to showcase early stage social innovation while combining connectivity and fun.  Our events have been labeled as “epic” and “legendary.”  Our 2010 wine party was attended by over  400 individuals and we raised over $100,000 for start-up social innovation all while helping to launch Tequila Avion.  Generation Citizen walked home with the Grand Prize for the evening after Scott Warren completely captivated the crowd with GC’s leveraged approach to building democratic participation among under-represented youth populations.

A few months ago a TUGGer had the idea of an ecosystem wide citizenship day.  We loved the idea and teamed up with BostonCares and BostInnovation for the first annual “Tech Gives Back Day.” On June 9th, 500 entrepreneurs will catalyze this movement by participating in a day of giving back to and celebrating Boston.  We already have over 20 companies participating in the day including groups from Where, Fybridge, LuckyLabs, OpenView Partners,  Dataxu, Vertica, Bit9, Bessemer Venture Partners, General Catalyst and Polachi & Co.  The day will finish with an after party at the Citi Performing Arts Center (formerly The Wang Center).  The party will feature live music, food, drink and an appearance from the Mayor and a few other Boston celebrities.  Click here to get involved.  For the betterment of you, me and Boston, and to get your TUGG on…