Boston got really weird to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day Parade weekend. And while most of you remained tame, some of you decided to take it to a whole other level this year. According to the Boston Police Department, officers  issued 244 citations for drinking in public during the parade yesterday and made eight arrests for accounts of disorderly conduct and disturbing the peace.

Those numbers are down from last year’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade, in which Boston Police issued 363 citations and made 11 arrests for  assault and battery, disorderly conduct, affray, indecent exposure and resisting arrest.

In a post on, the Boston Police Department writes that “the large, large majority of those who attended this year’s parade behaved admirably and did so in the spirit of the day.” In other words, you were smart enough to keep your red solo cup discreet while you bounced around from house to house in Southie yesterday.

“If You Got Arrested at this year’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade – You Probably Did Something to Deserve It,” says the BPD in the post’s title.

The full posting includes some of the more hilarious accounts of the arrests yesterday afternoon. Here’s one of the funnier ones. Nice work, dude.

At about 3:15pm, on Sunday, March 18, 2012, officers assigned to the St. Patrick’s Day Parade were monitoring crowds in the area of West 8th & Dorchester Streets when officers observed an individual drinking from a bottle of beer. Seeing this, officers approached the individual, who appeared to be intoxicated, and asked him to dump the beverage out. However, instead of dumping the beer, the suspect chose to chug it until it was finished. At this point, the decision was made to issue the suspect a citation for Drinking in Public. As officers were writing the citation, the suspect, with the empty beer bottle still in his hand, began to waive it around the officer’s head. After the bottle was confiscated, the suspect began screaming profanities at the officers.

Check out the rest of the post here. Until next year, my friends.