Last week’s installment of This Vs. That had burrito lovers battling sandwich enthusiasts over the better breakfast option. The argument was heated and while I originally chose the breakfast sandwich, my mind was changed by one reader who introduced us to the Texas classic: breakfast tacos. See ya, sandwiches, adios burritos, there’s a new brunch option in town.

So, for this week, I’ve decided to contemplate how to wash these tacos down. Drinks, of course. There’s nothing like a little hair of the dog at brunch to cure that hangover from the night before. What cocktails are the best for doing that? Bloody Marys or Mimosas? Here we go….

Bloody Marys

The best word I can use to describe Bloody Marys is “intense.” In every way, shape and form, this drink isn’t messing around on its intensity levels. First off, with Bloodys, you better be prepared to crush vodka before noon. That’s pretty aggressive, considering there may still be vodka in your system from the night before.

Then, there’s the tomato juice. Sure, you’re probably consuming your required 5-7 servings of vegetables a day, but it’s a little disturbing to me that it’s in liquid form. Not to mention, what’s with all the crap you can load into a Bloody? Celery, olives, bacon, oysters, shrimp, cheese sticks, cookies, M&Ms, whipped cream… Honestly, it gets out of hand at some restaurants. At what point does your Bloody stop being a cocktail and start looking like a creation your three-year-old nephew invented while unsupervised in the kitchen?

And finally, the name: Bloody Mary. Seriously, the drink is named after a dead queen. Google Image search “bloody mary” and look at all the nasty pictures that come up. How can you enjoy your cocktail after that? Call me crazy, but I prefer any and all bodily fluid references to be absent from the brunch table.


Less is more in the case of this refreshing breakfast cocktail. Two ingredients – that’s all you need to enjoy mimosas. That being said, it’s pretty hard to screw up a mimosa. Actually, I’d venture to say it’s impossible. Chilled OJ, chilled champagne, and you’re living the breakfast cocktail dream without fear of having too much tobacco sauce light your mouth on fire or not enough pepper ruin the taste of your drink.

Also, I’m a firm believer that drinks should never require chewing. Ever. Unlike Bloodys loaded with weird produce and seafood, mimosas simply require a swigging motion to enjoy. Leave the noshing for your pancakes. The simplicity of mimosas lends to easy consumption, which, to put it blatantly, helps you get your buzz going faster. And, if you’re drinking at breakfast anyways, isn’t that what you’re going for?

Winner: Mimosas

Simplicity is key here.

Thoughts? Love shrimp in your cocktails? Let us know in the comments!

Also, here’s where to find some of the best mimosas and Bloodys in Boston, courtesy of Tasted Menu. Bottoms up!

Images via Tasted Menu