If you’ve ever been to WebInno, the pitch night run by NextView’s David Beisel, you know the format: a series of early stage companies – side dishes – with tables set up during networking, and three more – main dishes – that do a demo and pitch in front of the crowd on the main stage.

This month, things will be different. This morning Beisel announced his upcoming WebInnoRocket format, taking place on September 24th. Instead of early stage companies pitching, three of Boston’s fastest growing companies will take the stage: Gemvara, HubSpot and DataXu. Each company will be represented on stage by a founder – Matt Lauzon, Dharmesh Shah, Bill Simmons, respectively – who will walk the audience through a complete demo of their product.

“There’s this meme in the community around celebrating some of our successes,” Beisel told me. The only problem? They’re a bit, well, celebratory.

With the Rocket format, Beisel hopes to do his part to highlight the Hub’s ongoing success stories, but in a way that’s totally product-centric.

That way, the community can learn what’s actually worked for some of the fastest growing startups in the city. And for a lot of folks, WebInno Rocket will just be a chance to go from kinda sorta knowing what these companies do to getting an in-depth look.

The event will continue to feature early stage companies as side dishes, though those have not yet been announced, and Beisel said he hasn’t decided whether the Rocket format will be reoccurring.

“It’s an experiment,” Beisel told me. “I’m genuninely looking for feedback.”