Eagerly awaiting the iOS 6 download? Well, wait no longer. Recently released reports reveal that the iOS 6 download will hit the web at 1PM EST. With a slew of amazing new features, there’s almost no reason to NOT download iOS 6. If you’re the proud owner of an Apple iOS device and want to download iOS 6 as soon as humanly possible, follow these tips and tricks to prepare.

Tips and Tricks to Prepare for the iOS 6 Download

First, make sure you’ve upgraded to the latest version of iOS 5, iOS 5.1.1. To do this, hit up your device’s Settings app, tap “general,” then tap “software update.”

Second, make sure you’ve devices is backed up before downloading iOS 6. Backups are free on iCloud, or you can sync it all with you computer. To do this wirelessly, tap “iCloud” then “Storage & Backup” to begin the process. To sync with your computer, just pull out that soon-to-be-obsolete dock cable and click Backup in iTunes.

Third, connect your device to a power source. The download will suck a lot of juice out, so don’t shoot your phone in the foot by running out of battery halfway through the process. If you run out of power, depending on when it happens, you could have to restore your device then go through the upgrade again. Save yourself the trouble and plug in.

Fourth, be patient. There are going to be millions upon millions of people trying to upgrade their iOS devices at the same time. It is entirely possible there will be delays and/or failed downloads. If you want to avoid these problems (which can potentially force you to have to restore your device) just wait until tomorrow. Tonight may still be dangerous with millions more people trying to upgrade from the comfort of their own homes.

After you’ve downloaded the software, your phone will reboot, and turn back on running the beautiful new iOS 6 software.

If something goes wrong, you can reboot it by holding the home button and power button simultaneously.

Good luck and happy upgrading.