Last Thursday, I found myself sorting health and beauty products — shampoo, soap, etc. — as they rushed past me on a conveyor belt. Had they been previously opened? Toss ’em. Still sealed? Throw them in a box. I can’t say I was all too good at it.

I was over at The Greater Boston Food Bank with dozens of volunteers from Veracode as part of TUGG’s Tech Gives Back Day, just one of several sites staffed by representatives of well over a dozen companies. Our trainer at the food bank told us the facility saves $800,000 annually in labor costs thanks to volunteers coming in to help sort food. And, more to the point, we were reminded that one in nine residents of Massachusetts is at risk for hunger.

I’ve already written about the important role that TUGG plays in catalyzing the tech community in Boston to give back, so I’ll skip ahead to the fun part: pictures of Boston’s tech out volunteering! Oh, and TUGG threw a great party to celebrate the whole thing at The Estate on Friday, which raised money for local social entrepreneurs. So pat yourselves on the back, Boston Tech. Now heads down and back to work.