Ever wonder why American runs on Dunkin’? I mean, there’s the coffee. And the donuts. But good marketing doesn’t hurt.

Well, now a few lucky startups will get the chance to pitch Dunkin’ and its agency Hill Holliday on how they can help elevate the brand. It’s all happening during FutureM, MITX’s future of marketing conference. (I wrote recently about another amazing FutureM event, Boston Angel Shark Tank.) From a release:

 The event will pit three start-up companies against each other to pitch Dunkin’ Donuts their idea for addressing a specific marketing challenge. The winner, announced on the spot at the end of the session, will get $5,000, access to and advice from senior Hill Holliday and Dunkin’ Donuts team members, and also have the chance at a paid assignment to execute the idea.

Hill Holliday is accepting pitches in the form of three minute videos, each explaining how Dunkin’ can become “the most social brand in America.” The deadline for submission is October 10, with the three finalists selected on October 15.

“We’re always looking for new and unique ways to celebrate our passionate Dunkin’ Donuts fans through innovative social media campaigns and initiatives,” said Scott Hudler, Vice President of Global Consumer Engagement for Dunkin’ Brands. “As our community of fans and followers continues to grow, we’re excited about the opportunity to offer one start-up a chance to add value to our social media program.”

Not every industry has an easy time connecting large corporates with startups, so this kind of opportunity shouldn’t be taken for granted. So, whatdya say? Do you have Dunkin’s next great branding idea? If so, click here. Meanwhile, here’s some inspiration…