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I have to admit that in the past, I didn’t even consider ‘finding a man’ a priority. I guess I was living by that old adage, ‘Love finds you when you aren’t looking.’

Calling all the Boston single ladies. This summer, Shape Magazine ranked Boston the 5th best city for single women in terms of “education, life expectancy and median earnings.” It’s not hard for anyone to believe that Boston is host to some of the nation’s most well-educated and successful women … many of whom are happily single. After all, women in the Hub certainly don’t want no scrubs.

I decided to sit down with one of Boston’s own single ladies and talk about her dating experiences and dating luck thus far in Boston. For the sake of her privacy, we’ll call her Dana. She is a 29-year-old single gal who went to graduate school here in the Hub. She received her nursing degree and is now working for a home health agency in Boston.

Marian White: What’s on the top of your to-do list right now?

Dana: Working my part-time job as a nurse.

‘Adulting’ by keeping my room clean.

Eating like a cross-fitter, without lifting any of the weights.

But still going to the gym at least once during the week.

… And somewhere in the midst all of these very important commitments, I’m searching for a tall, employed man in Boston. But, I have to admit that in the past, I didn’t even consider “finding a man” a priority. I guess I was living by that old adage, ‘love finds you when you aren’t looking.’

What is the worst date and best date you’ve been on in Boston?

The least enjoyable date I’ve had in Boston was with a man who was a professional dancer. I met him on OKCupid. He wore weird homeless gloves (you know the kind) and loose leisure pants. Oh, and he also lived at his parents’ house with zero intention of moving out. What made the date really bad (besides all of the above) was our kiss. I did go out with him one more time—at his mom’s house, of course—where he decided to eat guacamole and chips before we made out.

The best date I’ve had in Boston was in Harvard Square where we spent hours gallivanting around town. We met at JP Licks then walked around the Charles River and had some beers at a dive [bar] before I headed home.

Where are your top five date spots in Boston? Are there any unexpected places where you recommend finding men?

1) OTTO Pizza, followed by a foreign/independent film at the Coolidge Corner Theater.

2) MFA after brunch on Newbury Street.

3) Any kind of free concert on a green space where you can share a bottle of wine.

4) Dinner then improv in the North End.

5) Harvard Square offers a lot of vibes, and also has an OTTO Pizza (my favorite, hands down).

How do you leverage social media for dating during your daily life?

I have no qualms about using the Internet for dating, it’s just a matter of time before I successfully filter out the freaks, and find that one-in-a-million (and tall) cutie pie. But until that day comes, I’m willing to keep going on (what have been so far) odd dates with less than desirable men.

My Facebook activity usually involves stalking ex boyfriends and infrequently reposting Instagrams. As for social media and dating, I’ve tried Match.com and OkCupid in Boston. I have also tried speed dating via a Groupon. I have had some luck with OKCupid. One pseudo “relationship” came out of it, however, he ended up having an “I went to a smart school” complex.

My activity goes something like this chart:

Image via Huffington Post

Any Boston bars or lesser known places where you recommend finding single men?

I confess—I love Sissy K’s because it’s cheap and the crowd is surprisingly unpredictable in a fun way (aside from St. Paddy’s day). I’m not sure if that is a good place for a date, but I’ve had a successful evening there with a suitor!

As far as unexpected, most places in Cambridge are great places to aggressively hit on men, certainly ZuZus in Central Square. The Hong Kong is great! I think anywhere that has karaoke makes it easy to start a conversation or flirt with strangers. Take advantage of the holidays. Certainly Halloween and St. Paddys day when you can walk up to someone and say (example): “Hey, nice Robin Hood tights.” Worked for me once!

There was a study this year that ranked Boston as the No. 1 city in the nation for single men. Do you agree?

I honestly feel like Boston is a great place to meet single men. I can’t explain why, except that there are a large number of young professionals and students here who are very focused on careers and education and less on dating. It’s just a matter of putting yourself out there! I’ve had success meeting people in most areas of Boston—Brookline, Jamaica Plain, Cambridge and Boston proper.  

If you weren’t answering my questions, what would you be doing instead?

Refer to the first question. It’s also possible that I would be watching Netflix and drinking red wine, because that’s what I’m doing right now anyways.

What daily mantra or words of wisdom do you have for other single Boston gals?

There’s a lot of ups and downs (especially with online dating) but don’t settle for anyone or anything, take things one day at a time and always strive to improve yourself. A friend of mine who is a psychiatric nurse was very impressed with my ability to do this. Coming from a woman who deals with very mentally unstable patients daily, I’ll take it!