“…most people on the site don’t seem to be there for serious relationships.”

Every time I turn around it seems like another friend of mine is jumping on the digital dating bandwagon. Whether it’s the newest mobile dating option or an online dating site like OkCupid or eHarmony, the experience always results in a story to tell – some are funny, some are sweet and some are downright terrifying.

Additionally, sifting through websites to find out which dating site is for you can be a tedious exercise. That’s why I’ve decided to speak with Bostonians about their own real digital dating experiences, so that you can hear the truth about these dating options directly from your very own neighbors.

Last week, we heard a Boston dude’s perspective on Grouper. This week, I talked with a mid-twenties gal who works at a big advertising agency right here in Boston – and happens to do a lot of online dating. She shares with me the highs and lows of OkCupid, a popular dating site in Boston. Read her honest thoughts and find out if it’s the right option for you.

1. Out of all the other online dating options, why did you decide to try OkCupid?

I joined OkCupid because I had heard some hilarious stories from a few of my friends. I initially went on in it out of curiosity (and sort of as a joke). I didn’t think that I was actually ever going to meet someone special.

Eventually I started talking to a few pretty nice guys and I thought that maybe, just maybe, there was a chance for something real.

2. Would you consider OkCupid a place to meet quality guys?

I think that for every 90 creepy guys on OkCupid, there are about 10 actually decent guys that genuinely are looking for relationships. A few of the guys that I talked to actually seemed very sweet with good intentions.

The kind of guy that signs up for OkCupid seems to be a little more alternative. Most of the men are young professionals or recent grads.

But honestly, it seems that they are only on OkCupid to “get some.” But then again, maybe a lot of the girls are on the site for the same reason – and if so, more power to them.

3. Do you have a memorable (good or bad) OkCupid Dating experience?

One particularly memorable OkCupid experience was a date that actually seemed promising – at first. The guy and I seemed to have a lot in common and we had been texting for a few weeks before we actually met up. So I thought he was normal. He also seemed very cute based on his pictures (I didn’t even mind that he was a little on the shorter side).

We met for dinner at Lolita’s in Back Bay and I was honestly very excited. But then things kind of went downhill.

First of all, he turned out to be shorter than me and I’m 5’4”! Second, as soon as we sat down, he ordered shots of tequila and a whole pitcher of sangria (someone was nervous). He then proceeded to talk about himself for a solid two hours. Apparently, he was an aspiring politician who knew Obama, Al Gore and the Clintons. All the while, he kept ordering more and more shots for himself and asked me almost no questions about myself. He even started making snarky comments at our waiter. At the end of the date, he drunkenly told me that his apartment was really close and insisted that I come. Needless to say I did not and I never saw him again, though he tried several times!

4. On a scale of 1 -10, how would you rate OkCupid as a matchmaking dating site? (1 being the worst and 10 being the best experience.)

I would give it a 4. Most people on the site don’t seem to be there for serious relationships. I did meet a few nice guys from it, and a few douchebags, so I’d say it was pretty neutral. I’m not on it anymore because it just got really creepy.

5. What type of girl or guy would you recommend to sign up for OkCupid?

 I would say maybe a little bit more on the nontraditional side because you’re gonna get a lot of perverted and creepy messages and you just have to laugh it off!