BuzzFeed issued a list this weekend, one that used hyperbolic overstatements and apropos GIFs to drive a point into the ground for fun.

Have I not gotten your undivided attention yet?

So they do that a lot, but one of the latest BuzzFeed litanies focused on “The 23 Most Boston Things to Ever Happen,” and – OK, we’ll bite. Boston’s reputation seems to have become immobilized in the national sphere, rotating between categorizing the college-aged population for pumping our city full of YOLO-shouting idiots, and reusing the old lobstah-clam-chowdah-Red-Sox-Hahvahd-yahd shtick. Plus, anything that people label as being “LOL, only in ___” immediately makes me assume it probably happens everywhere.

But with the Red Sox on their way to the World Series, Boston is back in the spotlight, and on BuzzFeed, so are the fans, the traditions, and even the things that aren’t that unique to Boston. I’ve chosen a few of the lamest from the list to call into question. No, this silly article probably won’t stop me from clicking on the next “X things That Relate To Your Life Right Now” post from old BuzzFeed, but it’s the least we can do to point it out when things get personal.

Clearly, this author feigning shock and awe at Walgreen’s supply of lobster has never been to the Walgreen’s in Downtown Crossing — that wonderland is nicer than my childhood home. And in Boston, we have lobster coming out of our eyeballs, so put ‘em on sale at whichever store can house a functioning tank. Haters just jealous.

Sure, lol at that sticker. But wouldn’t this only be “only in Boston” if it were plastered on the ankle-damning cobblestones of Faneuil Hall? I almost trip on those things on a daily basis, but the sidewalk pictured here — which the original post tags as being on Newbury Street — looks totally harmless, and could be found anywhere. Close, but no cigar.

This Shaq-o-meter, found here on, is a little silly. But this is BuzzFeed calling us out for celebrating Shaq joining the Celtics in a quirky, buzzy way on the Internet in order to make something not as interesting (like snow) slightly humorous. That seems like a case of the pot calling the kettle black if I’ve ever seen one. And it’s not like we only chart our accumulation in Celtics inches.

Maybe I’m missing the point, but a taxi crashing into a newsstand doesn’t seem extra “Boston” to me. Sure, the newsstand is headed “Harvard Square,” but … still not making the connection. Couldn’t you find random such accidents in any town and label them as the “Most __ Thing to Ever Happen”?

The tramp stamp and the shirt … and the hat … might seem to be a bit much, but — OK, this is pretty “Boston.” Can’t defend that one.

So what do you think? Am I being a fun-sucker, or did BuzzFeed miss the mark and head straight for the stereotypes?