As the days grow closer to when Mayor-elect Marty Walsh will officially succeed Mayor Tom Menino in City Hall, the Walsh administration has announced his inaugural plans to help celebrate and ring in Boston’s new chief executive. His transition team and inauguration committee co-chairs will be stressing the themes of community service and youth education, while sharing a brunch for seniors at Northeastern University.

Kicking off the festivities on Friday, January 3, volunteers from Walsh’s transition and inauguration committee will take to the streets to lead a variety of community service initiatives. Anyone can sign up online to help with what the Walsh camp describes as making a positive neighborhood impact in the areas of “but not be limited to, painting school buildings, serving meals for the homeless, cleaning up parks or other public locations, and other activities.”

Following on Saturday, the Mayor-elect will play host to sixth through ninth graders at a Youth Summit at Roxbury Community College. There Boston’s future generations will be afforded the opportunity to share their wide-eyed hopes and dreams for the future of their city.

The day before his January 6 swearing in ceremony, Walsh will take to Northeastern University’s Cabot Athletic Center to enjoy brunch with seniors before heading to the beautiful Old South Church for an interfaith service with Reverend Jeffrey Brown, a staunch Walsh endorser who Founded the Ten Point Coalition, a community organization responsible for the so-called Boston Miracle in which crime in The Hub decreased steeply in the years following the conception of the Coalition.

Finally on Monday the sixth on the campus of his alma mater Boston College, Marty Walsh will be sworn in by Roderick L. Ireland, Chief Justice of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court. Further details about the swearing-in ceremony and the ticket availability will be released in the coming days, but keep in mind that despite the fact that tickets will be free of charge, seats are limited.

For an extra $35 through Ticketmaster, partygoers can attend Walsh’s Inaugural Celebration at the Hynes Convention Center. And while this fiesta is intended to keep the jubilations rocking, attendees are strongly encouraged to bring a nonperishable food item or make a donation to help low-income families pay for their heating costs this winter. In return they’ll be able to enjoy more fun from the Mayor-elect in the form of “local artists, musicians, dancers, comedians, and other performers. Details on the RSVP process, ticket availability, and entertainment will be announced in the coming days.”