Sure to be bittersweet for Boston on Thursday was Attorney General Eric Holder’s decision for his office to seek the death penalty against Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the alleged suspect behind the Boston Marathon bombings. Brining back painful memories of that fateful April day for some, and perhaps retribution for others, capital punishment is not a guarantee in this case but is supported by local politicos. Following Governor Deval Patrick’s remarks, Martha Coakley and Charlie Baker also weighed in.

Said Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley, whose currently leading all of the field to succeed Governor Patrick,

My thoughts continue to be with the victims who were murdered and their families, as well as the other victims who are still dealing with the horrific consequences of this grievous and intentional act of terror. The Marathon bombers may have tried to put the people of Boston in fear, but instead only made us stronger and brought us together as a Commonwealth. I’m sure that after very thoughtful consideration, Attorney General Holder has made this decision based upon the facts of this case and applicable federal law

In a statement to BostInno via email, Republican candidate Charlie Baker, who trails only Coakley in the gubernatorial race while leading all other Democrats vying for Beacon Hill, told us,

“The accused marathon bomber tried and failed to tear Boston apart in a despicable, cowardly act. The prosecution is absolutely right to seek the death penalty.”

Update (4:55 p.m.): Democratic candidate Don Berwick released the following statement:

“I have no sympathy for the individual behind this horrific crime, but I agree with the Boston Bar Association — there is no place for the death penalty in our nation’s justice system.

Update (6:00 p.m.): Fellow Democratic candidate for Governor Massachusetts Juliette Kayyem released the following statement:

The crimes committed by the Dzhokhar Tsarnaev were heinous. Period. I have, based on my principles and on my work in death penalty appeals litigation in Alabama, always opposed the death penalty. I have spent a career helping to protect our communities from the harms, including terrorism, that we may face. He will spend the rest of his life in prison. As a state, we move forward, resilient. We are Massachusetts.

Update (6:15 p.m.): United Independent Party candidate Evan Falchuk told BostInno in an email,

Hearing about this case reminds me to think about and really appreciate the upcoming marathon this year.  It will be an important, moving day – for all of us here, and for people across the country and even around the world. The legal process will play out, however long it takes. But on that day, we will salute and celebrate the strength and resilience of the people of Massachusetts, and remind each other that this is indeed our city, our state, our home.

Update (1/31, 8:00 a.m.): Democratic candidate Steve Grossman told BostInno in an email,

“I have always been opposed to capital punishment. Nobody who is convicted of a crime this heinous should ever set foot outside of prison for the remainder of his life.”