With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, everywhere you turn you’re bombarded with candy and chocolate goodies. It doesn’t matter if you have a special someone or you’re single, those heart-shaped boxes of truffles practically jump into our shopping carts. Instead of completely resisting the urge to splurge this year, why not make some simple swaps in your favorite desserts. 

The following recipes will leave you with mouth-watering modifications that won’t pack on the pounds. And don’t worry, your baking skills don’t have to match those of Betty Crocker in order for these turn out edible. 

So break out the chocolate and start baking. The hard part won’t be complicated recipes, it’ll be deciding if you want to share them or not. Just remember, these delectable, guilt-free pleasures are meant to be eaten in moderation. Devouring the entire pan of brownies will leave you feeling pretty terrible. Not like we know from personal experience or anything.