Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, and one thing is for certain: we all have strong feelings about the holiday. Whether the thought of rose bouquets and heart-shaped boxes of chocolates makes you grimace or grin, the focus on Valentine’s Day seems to grow bigger and bigger each year.

But let’s be honest, Valentine’s Day always gets a bad rap.

The cheesy cards, chocolate sets and giant teddy bears flood the store aisles earlier and earlier each year. Anti-Valentines cynics write off the holiday for being created by greeting card companies, and call an end to the ‘lovey-dovey’ gushiness associated with all things Cupid.

Valentine’s Day means something different to all of us. The holiday makes me nostalgic for the days as a kid in elementary school when you would decorate valentines for your entire class, and get a sugar rush from eating way too many conversation hearts. For me, Valentine’s Day also always meant a heart-shaped pizza from the local pizzeria for dinner, a family tradition I truthfully still miss.

The best part about Valentine’s Day though is that you can make it what you want. It’s an excuse for a romantic walk around the Common, followed by some ice skating on the Frog Pond. It’s an excuse to get all gussied up and go out to a nice restaurant you wouldn’t normally go out to on a typical Thursday night, either with a group of friends or your significant other. It’s also an excuse to crack open a bottle of wine (or two…) with your girlfriends and watch some quality romantic comedies (When Harry Met Sally, anyone?). This year, it may be an excuse to call Netflix your valentine and binge-watch the newest season of House of Cards, which coincidentally premieres on the streaming website Valentine’s Day.

So don’t fret if you find yourself without plans next Friday. The point really is that Valentine’s Day isn’t just about the cards, the chocolates and the flowers; it’s a celebration of all that you love, not just who you love.

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