A new food hybrid (how original) is making it’s way to Taco Bell chains nationwide on March 27, according to Fast Company. The fast food chain will feature new breakfast offerings including this taco-shaped waffle covered in sticky maple syrup and stuffed with eggs and bacon (or maybe sausage?). It’s the Waffle Taco, obvi.

Hm. That sounds pretty good.

We’re kidding. The Waffle Taco isn’t the only new breakfast item on the menu. Taco Bell’s breakfast menu debut will include items like the Crunchwrap with toasted “bacon, eggs, cheese, and hash browns crammed into a saucer-shaped tortilla,” reports Fast Company. I’m sorry – but whatever happened to a normal breakfast burrito? Anyway.

So long sad little breakfast sandwiches – and hello to the most fattening breakfast items imaginable (except for cinnabon, of course). But wait – Fast Company also reported that the “imaginative fare” will include Cinnabon Delights. I guess we’ll believe that when we see it.

In the mean time, let the countdown begin – and begin your waffle taco search here.

Image via SeriousEats