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You’ve likely heard the buzz about Boston’s green scene: Fifth leading city for environmental sustainability. One of the top ten cities for green jobs. First city to establish green building standards…Boston’s eco-cred is legit to say the least. But while most of us have seen the headlines and are aware of the awards, do we really know what’s behind the buzz?

Few Bostonians are familiar with the eco-friendly initiatives earning our city national recognition. Despite the scale and significance of Boston’s innovative environmental programs, many residents remain ignorant of the policies transforming our city from Dudley Square to Fort Point. It’s time for a little environmental education.  

We’ve broken down Boston’s green scene into four key sectors. These are the core components driving eco-friendly innovations here in the Hub and making our city a beacon of environmental responsibility. If you want to tune into the sustainable movement here in Boston, this snapshot of the local green scene is a great place to start!

Image: Higher Ground Farms via Inhabitat