Mayor Martin J. Walsh/ Image via City of Boston

With just two months at the helm of Boston, Mayor Marty Walsh has already endeavored to make good on a number of campaign promises. He’s appointed a new Boston Police commissioner and helped diversify the force by naming William Gross as chief; he’s tried to up his tech game by hosting social media Q&As; and now he’s beginning to lay the foundation for keeping Boston’s late-night scene open, well, later.

Mayor Walsh will deliver the keynote address at Boston Municipal Research Bureau’s 82nd Annual Meeting in Southie’s Innovation District. Here the new mayor is expected to announce a late-night committee intended to investigate the possibility and feasibility of keeping bars and restaurants open past 2:00 a.m.

According to the Boston Herald, City Hall officials are referring to this gang as a “late night task force,” and will look to make closing time approximately 3:30 a.m., offering up an extra hour and a half for Bostonians to eat, drink and be merry.

BostInno reached out directly to Mayor Walsh’s press office to find out if the “task force” would also look into public transit access to the Seaport area but nobody was immediately available to comment.

Dan Koh, Mayor Walsh’s chief of staff, told the Herald that the investigatory group would be comprised of about 10 to 15 members “from tavern and restaurant owners to community leaders, young professionals and college students.” They’ll not only delve into the logistics of keeping eateries and barroom open late and even possibly transportation issues, but also study the potential impact and “nuisances to neighborhoods” at the street-level.

The Herald speculates that should constituency render positive results, they may implement a pilot program to test the boozy waters of late night service, not unlike that of the MBTA’s to attempt late-night transit service.

Mayor Walsh’s address will take place at the Seaport Hotel ballroom at 12:30 p.m. Friday. Stay tuned to BostInno for the latest information regarding his effort to keep restaurants and bars open later. In the meantime, let us know your thoughts on the matter in the comments section below.