Boston Mayor Marty Walsh took to Reddit to host his first AMA – Ask Me Anything – and suffice to say, it was a smash hit. It started off tame enough, with Redditors asking questions about his 100-plus days of policy initiatives and plans for Boston’s immediate future. But then, as Reddit threads tend to, things got, well, weird.

Questions started appearing as early as a 30 minutes before starting time, with many people wondering about affordable housing for young professionals and recent graduates, affording liquor license power to the City of Boston and following in 20-year Mayor Tom Menino’s footsteps.

His answers were informative enough – “One of the things we are working on is better use of city-owned land to build middle income and workforce housing, so that recent graduates and young families can afford homes in the city” – and he answered questions about policy in the same succinct style of his previous Twitter chats and Facebook Q&A.

But Reddit being Reddit, questions turned stranger. It didn’t phase the mayor, though. He entertained them for the most part and answered to the best of his ability.

Here are some of the highlights: