There’s something about Storrow Drive I can’t quite put my finger on that makes people driving taller trucks want to see if they can fit their vehicle under the roadway’s bridges. Like drawing a moth to the flame, Storrow basically dares drivers to squeeze their rig underneath the low-hanging overpass. Someone gave it a shot on Thursday and like those who came before him or her failed miserably.

As you can see in the tweet below, someone thought it a good idea to challenge the Storrow Gods and see if their truck could magically shrink just enough to maneuver beneath one of the bridges.

This kind of thing usually happens closer to August and September when most people moving into the city descend upon it and try to finagle their moving truck through Storrow. The narrow road has claimed so many trucks, in fact, that people now take bets on when exactly the first one will lodge itself under a bridge.

Classic Storrow here. Be forewarned, people who have yet to trek down Storrow. The overpasses are low, the lanes are cramped and the direction is serpentine.

Happy driving.

Featured image via Shutterstock