Freshman Boston City Councilor Josh Zakim takes it personally that Anwar Faisal, the notorious Boston landlord who leases decrepit living spaces to unsuspecting students, and others like him have refused to testify before the Housing Committee in regards to their shady practices. In fact, the entire constituent body agrees, and has vowed to summon Faisal to City Hall, “in irons” if they have to.

Faisal has twice dodged City Council requests to appear before the committee, which Councilor Zakim hoped would prompt an in-depth explanation as to why Faisal persists to rent out spaces that routinely fail inspection, as well as examine why and how Northeastern University signed a master lease agreement with Faisal’s Alpha Management Corporation.

On the first occasion, Faisal flat out refused to attend a meeting; on the second occasion he agreed to appear, but reneged at the last minute.

“I am gratified that my colleagues on the council unanimously agreed that Mr. Faisal can no longer willfully avoid this body,” said Councilor Zakim in a statement. “We have been seeking answers from Mr. Faisal regarding Alpha’s business practices for more than two months, and I look forward to finally having this discussion on August 13.”

Councilor Zakim has invoked Massachusetts General Law Chapter 33, Section 8, which forces Faisal to “attend and testify and to produce books and papers at a hearing before a city council…,” so the irons may not be necessary, after all. Section 9 goes on to note that, should Faisal again default on showing up, Councilor Zakim has the ability to issue a warrant for summons.

It recently came to light that Faisal also discriminated against potential renters based on race and ethnicity.

According to the order for a summons filed by Councilor Zakim, “The City of Boston’s Office of Fair Housing and Equity recently found probable cause to believe that Alpha made discriminatory statements that stated a limitation based on the national origin of a potential Indian tenant who is also a Northeastern student.”

The Housing Committee meeting for which Faisal will be present is slated for Wednesday, August 13 at 11 a.m.

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