The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, a viral movement to raise awareness of ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease, has spread like wildfire after originating at Boston College. Now, it’s officially reached celebrity status: Elizabeth Banks, the Kennedys, a slew of local athletes and more have accepted the challenge, which (in case you’ve been hiding from social media and the world) involves dumping a bucket of ice water over your head, donating money to the ALS fund, and passing the challenge onto others, who have 24 hours to complete it.

It’s an activist movement that’s taken over news feeds and, seemingly, the country, and yesterday, Justin Timberlake accepted the challenge from two Boston Marathon survivors, Patrick Downes and Jessica Kensky, a local married couple. Watch the video of Timberlake and his team, the Tennessee Kids, participating below.

As you’ll notice, Timberlake challenged Jimmy Fallon, Steve Higgins and The Roots, a challenge Fallon wouldn’t let go unnoticed. On last night’s episode of ‘The Tonight Show,’ with guest Rob Riggle, Fallon brought up the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, mentioning that a group of others, including New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, have challenged him already. But, it was Timberlake’s proposal that spurred the challenge to go down on ‘Tonight.’

Watch the video below of Fallon, The Roots, Rob Riggle, Steve Higgins, and Horatio Sanz accepting the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge during the show. Of course, in addition to the icy shower, the group has voiced their intent to donate to the cause. And in case you’re wondering, it seems that the viral hashtag activism is, in fact, raising both money and awareness for ALS.

Up next, according to Fallon’s challenge? The New York Jets.

Image via NBC