Renowned actor and acclaimed voice of God, Morgan Freeman, has signed on to appear in ‘Ted 2,’ which is currently filming in Boston.

Freeman is joining Mark Wahlberg, Amanda Seyfried and Seth MacFarlane, who voices the R-rated teddy bear. According to, the actor will play a lawyer who helps out Ted after he gets into legal trouble. We knew Ted had a court date in store after the characters were spotted on set, ascending the stairs of the Custom House in the Financial District, but we didn’t know the bear would have Morgan Freeman’s lawyerly advice on his side. The rest of the details of the plot remain under wraps.

Back in July, Boston Casting hosted an open-casting call for ‘Ted 2’ extras in the city to audition, inviting costumed individuals to try out as well. Perhaps a Comic Con scene is in store for the film? That remains to be seen once the movie debuts next year, but we’ll definitely have lots of Boston backdrops to ogle in the film. Since shooting began this summer, the cast and crew has been spotted at the Custom House, in the South End, the Boston Public Garden, and more locales.

Mark Wahlberg’s team also posted this picture to the actor’s Twitter on Wednesday. It looks like a we can expect a scene on a motorcycle to take place as well:

The shot was taken outside of the Union Boston Church, which one Twitter user informed us was marked with a sign that read – spoiler alert! – “Ted and Tami-Lynn’s Wedding.”

Sounds like in addition to seeking legal advice from Morgan Freeman, Ted will be getting married in the upcoming sequel. “Ted 2” is scheduled for a June 26, 2015 release, and you can click through more scenes from the film’s set here. (Oh, and if you spot Freeman in Boston, make sure to send a photo to Twitter, y’all.)

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