“The McCarthys” premiered last night on CBS, the new sitcom starring Joey McIntyre and Tyler Ritter about a sports-loving Southie family and the gay son, Ronny, who sticks out from the rest. In the pilot, the conflict seems to be that Ronny wants to move out of Boston and to Providence (gasp) where he feels he’ll be more accepted.

We predicted a few months ago, when word came out that the show would be premiering, that it would be a – and I quote – a “trainwreck.” Now, it looks like the show can at least has charm. Judging by Twitter, at least, people seemed to love it for the most part. And everyone still has a soft spot for Joey McIntyre.

Here’s what Twitter had to say about “The McCarthys” premiere. Did you tune in? If not – lucky for you, you can watch the whole thing here.

Screengrab via CBS