On Wednesday, join healthy Boston companies FitBit, RunKeeper, Next Jump, Maxwell Health and Happier as they provide tips on how you can create a healthier culture in your office.

Let’s face it — between deadlines, obligatory events and micromanaging bosses, work environments can become exceptionally stressful. So in an effort to alleviate some of that unhealthy energy, let’s begin incorporating some more wellness into the workplace.

I’m not talking about motivating your cubicle mate to join you on a daily 10-mile run, instead it’s about taking smaller steps to ensure everyone’s happiness and wellbeing which in turn leads to productivity and overall happiness.

This event is being held at the NERD Center at 1 Memorial Drive in Cambridge. Doors open at 6 p.m. where participants will have the opportunity to hear RunKeeper speak about how they motivate their employees to stay healthy and provide tips on initiating a fitness meet up in your office.

After a brief networking break, FitBit employees Katy Smigowski and Jacqueline Bath will discuss how to avoid burn out within your company — a crucial element that effects the startup community far too often.

According to their event page, Happier will present about the “science behind gratitude and how you can bring happiness to your workplace.” If you’re interested in speaking with a health coach, Dillan DiGiovanni will be there to answer your muscle-burning questions.

In addition to the endless healthy ideas you’re bound to gain from these presentations, Working Well will also have samples from local companies such as Perfect Fuel and Cocomama. The event fee is $5 and all proceeds are being donated to the Greater Boston Food Bank.

Interested in attending? Grab your ticket now!

Image via Working Well