The Boston-based sitcom “The McCarthys,” which premiered on CBS in late October, will almost definitely come to an end in 2015. The Southie-centered TV show that follows a sports-obsessed family and their gay outcast son got off to a shaky start in 2014, and while CBS might have thrown off fans when the network ordered more episodes of the show for 2015, don’t get your hopes up. If you’re one of the few fans of “The McCarthys,” that is.

‘The McCarthys’ will return on January 8, but CBS ordered only two more episodes for the new year, bringing the episode count for the first season to 15. Basically, the network threw the Joey McIntyre sitcom a life line, but a supremely short one. According to TV cancellation/renewals experts at Zap 2 Its’ TV by the Numbers, a two-episode order for the new year is a sure sign that the end is near. After CBS ordered just two more episodes, the cancellation prediction site determined the show “certain to be canceled” in 2015.

“The McCarthys” premiere in a Thursday night, 9:30 p.m. slot showed decent lead-in ratings, but since, those ratings have proven dismal. However, the freshman half-hour comedy series isn’t alone in its struggle to land strongly. NBC’s “Marry Me” has also received a partial backorder, and only two series, ABC’s “Black-ish” and “Cristela,” got a full first season pick up. The rest half-hour comedies of 2014 have been canceled, according to Deadline.

So while the Boston-based sitcom is still hanging on, the less-than-impressive recent ratings and short 15-episode season foreshadows a cancellation in the show’s future. Will you be sad to see “The McCarthys” go?

Screengrab via CBS