Boston’s bid for the 2024 Summer Olympics will get a decision very soon, according to the United States Olympics Committee. The 15-member USOC will meet on Thursday to (potentially) decide then and there which of the four U.S. bids will get the full endorsement. After that, the winning bid will be evaluated before the next step is taken, whether it means a formal bid is launched or not. For the losing bids, it means they dissolve, perhaps reforming in years, but left to largely focus only on their “bid legacy” (whatever that means).

For the Boston 2024 bid, it’s crunch time. They’ve done essentially all that they can do at this point, and now simply await the decision like everyone else. While they launched another (perhaps final) video on Monday, showcasing prominent community members who endorse the bid, that’s the extent of their capabilities at the moment.

As for the USOC itself, the decision is classically done behind closed doors. The official statement on Team USA’s site regarding the decision includes the predictable line:

“There will be no on-site media availability.”

Only on the following day will the USOC make themselves available for comment. Nonetheless, here’s what you should know:

What is the United States Olympic Committee (USOC) deciding?

They’re deciding which of the four U.S. 2024 Summer Olympic bids will be chosen as the official U.S. bid to send to the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

When will they meet?

Thursday, January 8th, in Denver International Airport (of all places). There is no specific time that they plan to be done.

Will the USOC board definitely decide on Thursday?

Not necessarily. The wording on the announcement states “In the event the board selects a city,” implying that they might not decide on that day.

Who are the cities they are deciding between?

The U.S. bids for 2024 are Boston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Washington D.C.

Would a USOC choice of Boston definitely mean that they’re bidding for the 2024 Games?

No, it would only mean that the USOC thinks Boston has the best chance of the the four U.S. bids to win the IOC backing. If Boston is chosen, it would bring USOC evaluators to the city for a few months, as they weighed whether or not they think Boston’s bid should (and could) go forward.

When will the host of the 2024 Olympics formally be decided by the IOC?

A decision won’t come until 2017 in Lima, Peru, when the IOC meets to decide. A list of international cities would compete with a potential U.S. bid for the right to host.

Image via Boston2024