via Boston Redevelopment Authority

Ground has broken on the hefty residential building going up next to shoe giant Converse’s global headquarters at Lovejoy Wharf in Boston’s North End.

The Boston Redevelopment Authority confirmed with BostInno that, according to the project manager, foundation work for the 155-foot tall 131 Beverly Street building, which will be separated by an alleyway and used separately from Converse’s digs at 160 North Washington Street, has begun and the construction at 160 North Washington is essentially complete.

The entire Lovejoy Wharf project, both 160 North Washington and 131 Beverly, were originally slated to boast 250 residential units between them until the upper-floors of the former were tapped by Converse as dedicated office space.

Both the buildings will tower over a nearly finished public waterfront pavilion that also connects the Harborwalk, a public path will span 46.9 miles of Boston’s coastline, between the North End and Charlestown.

Image via Nick DeLuca

The facade of 160 North Washington was able to be salvaged but the accompanying 131 Beverly Street was not. According to BRA documents from 2013, “The adjacent nine-story building at 131 Beverly Street was dilapidated, abandoned, and deemed unsafe for reoccupation. In consideration of its condition and public safety, and in compliance with the Lovejoy Wharf Project approvals, the 131 Beverly Street building was demolished.”

Spearheaded by Related Beal, LLC, construction of 131 Beverly will yield 175 condominiums for sale totaling 210,000-square feet of residential living. The first two floors are expected to be occupied by retail, restaurant, facility and public-use space though it’s unclear at this time what companies will occupy it.

One of the most significant changes to this project was the elimination of a 315-spot parking garage back in 2013. This move proved beneficial as it freed up more waterfront space that allowed for the implementation of public seating, plant life and a two-story pavilion structure that’s situated directly next to a staircase which carries pedestrians down from the North Washington Street Bridge (known colloquially as the Charlestown Bridge) and connects to the Harborwalk.

The roof of the pavilion structure will be an open terrace for anyone to enjoy unique views of the North Washington Street Bridge, Leonard P. Zakim Bridge and the Charles River if they’re so inclined.

With 160 North Washington on the verge of imminent completion, 131 Beverly is expected to fully realized sometime in 2016 barring any setbacks.