Image via Boston 2024

Representatives of Boston 2024, the group advocating for Boston as the 2024 Summer Olympics venue, participated in a Boston City Council Hearing on Monday and said there’s “no guarantee” the Hub will host the Games.

Boston 2024 CEO Richard Davey, former MassDOT Secretary, was joined by United States Olympic Committee (USOC) member Angela Ruggiero to discuss further details on Boston’s potential bid.

The USOC has until September to formally nominate Boston as the American host city and during that time, Ruggiero said, another city could take Boston’s place. The USOC is currently backing the Boston bid but a wave of public dissent and attempts to tie the bid to ballot initiatives could deter the USOC from continued support.

“The USOC is going through a similar vetting process to make sure Boston is the right city,” said Ruggiero. “We need the strong support of Boston.”

According to the Boston Globe, City Councilors appeared both skeptical and hopeful – willing to hear the details provided but also scrutinizing in their questioning.

While Councilor Michelle Wu mentioned that by municipal law, the City of Boston can only vote on the prospect of hosting the Games once a hard budget is determined, “Councilor Tito Jackson pushed organizers about the potential displacement of residents, saying that construction for the 1996 Games in Atlanta eliminated some affordable housing,” reports the Globe.

At a community meeting hosted by No Boston Olympics, one of multiple antagonists to the bid, volunteers said Boston 2024 is expected to release an accurate and updated budget in the imminent future.