During Monday’s edition of Boston Public Radio’s “Ask the Mayor,” a longstanding theory was finally confirmed as fact. Boston Mayor Marty Walsh, who pitched the “concept bid” that he helped to present to the United States Olympic Committee in December on Boston 2024’s behalf, never actually read through the bid.

This was the exchange with one of the radio show’s hosts, Jim Braude:

Braude: Do you read the whole bid, the concept bid?

Walsh: No, I had my attorney…it was many, many pages. Our legal council looked at it. And again in the bid it didn’t say public money. What it said in there was you could use tax financing. You could use bonding. It didn’t say the City of Boston was going allocate money from the general fund to buy these things.

To hear the full exchange, listen to the WBGH recording, and skip to the 31:50 mark in the audio.

Walsh, who answered several questions from callers on the subject of Boston 2024, was quick to point out that the bid was (as he mentioned) only a concept bid. It was far from an unchangeable plan, and the mayor has been a vocal advocate for updating the proposal put forward from Boston 2024.

Still, it’s a slightly striking admission for the mayor to make. He flew out to California to make a presentation on behalf of the Boston Olympic bid, though he never actually read through the plan.

Image via Boston 2024