Are you producing outstanding, share-worthy content? Of course you are. You’re awesome. But the next step is making sure that your extraordinary content reaches the maximum number of people possible. Here are four ways to make that happen:

1. Utilize Quora

Do you know about Quora? It’s basically a knowledge database made of questions and answers from people all over the world. For marketers, it can be an extremely useful tool for developing valuable relationships and targeting new customers.

People flock to Quora for all sorts of reasons, but a main one is to ask questions pertaining to their business. See the example below:


By answering a question like the one above (which has over 200 views), you not only provide value to the asker, but you also establish yourself as a thought leader within your niche to anyone who finds the question via Quora or Google search.

People come to Quora with questions. Make it your priority to provide them with answers.

2. Understand Edge Rank

“Edge Rank is an algorithm developed by Facebook to govern what is displayed–and how high–on the News Feed.”  That explanation is courtesy of the conveniently titled The algorithm measures three main metrics when deciding how important your content is. It’s important to develop a strategy in order to maximize you effectiveness for each one:

  • Affinity: Build affinity by posting content that evokes actions like comments, likes, and shares.
  • Weight: According to Facebook, comments have a higher weight than likes. Encourage your audience to respond to posts by asking questions.
  • Time: This is the simplest metric. The longer a piece of content has been around, the less valuable Facebook deems it. The solution? Push out as much quality content as possible.

3. Don’t Hide Your Tweets

Look at this awesome tweet that I just wrote:

Just kidding. It’s not awesome. It’s terrible. Only @BostInno, any of our mutual followers, or anybody that visits my profile will see this tweet.

If you want to mention a handle at the beginning of your tweet, just add a period, like so:

By adding a simple punctation mark, I now allow all of my followers to see my tweet. It’s that easy.

4. Build a Community

By commenting on other blogs within your niche–and linking back to your own–you can begin to build a network that will drive major traffic to your content without any additional work on your end. As the saying goes, “I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine” (Superbad fans might have a funny comeback here). If you comment or tweet about another company’s content, they are far more likely to do the same for you.

The same can be said for engaging with your own readers. If someone takes the time to comment on a piece of your content, you should put in the effort to respond. Try to build conversations around your content. You’ll find that the more you engage, the more people will want to share and discuss your thoughts with their own social groups.

 You can never be doing enough to reach more people with your content. It’s crucial to leverage the power of all of your social networks to reach a new audience, while focusing on engaging with the people who are already interacting with you. To learn more about extending your reach, email