Internet marketing is constantly evolving. It seems nearly everyday, a new form of technology emerges, rewriting the rules of game and forcing brands to rethink their online strategy. But one rule of the internet marketing game is here to stay: content is king.

From B2C to B2B, every company has jumped on the content marketing train. For good reason. In the past few years, content marketing has proven an effective strategy for building brand awareness and driving web traffic. The benefits of unique, relevant, quality content are endless. SEO value, social shareability, old fashioned consumer value–the list could go on and on.

In the end, content generates conversion. Plain and simple. As a result, content marketing is essential to every business’ online marketing strategy. Don’t believe me? Wishpond Blog recently shared a bunch of new statistics in a handy infographic proving businesses value content marketing. So read ‘em and weep content marketing skeptics–if there are any of you left out there.

7 Statistics Proving Businesses Value Content Marketing

1. $118.4 billion will be spent on content marketing, video marketing, and social media in 2013

2. Marketers spend over 25% of their marketing budget on content marketing

3. 91% of B2B Marketers use content marketing

4. 78% of CMOs think custom content is the future of content marketing

5. 86% of B2C marketers use content marketing

6. 79% of B2B marketers use content marketing to achieve brand awareness goals

7. 87% of B2B marketers use social media to distribute content

Check out the rest of Wishpond’s infographic The State of Content Marketing 2013 to see even more reasons why content marketing is here to stay.

Here at Streetwise, content marketing is our area of expertise. Over 700 Boston brands implement their own lucrative content marketing strategy using our Channel platform. Want to reach local consumers and drive traffic to your website? Click here to learn more and start engaging Boston with your own killer content.