Content, content, content. Everyone’s creating it, some with better results than others. Want results? Check out seven ways to create effective content below.

1. Optimize for SEO

93% of online experiences begin with a search engine, so it’s essential for business bloggers to optimize their content posts for SEO. But how exactly do you go about doing that? Give the following three strategies a try:

  • Before you start writing, research relevant keywords. It’s important to figure out what your customers are actually looking for online. Google Keyword Tool is a great way to get started.
  • Make sure to include those keywords in your headline, preferably as close to the beginning of the headline as possible.
  • Interlink between posts on your blog.

2. Maximize Sharability

If you want to induce people to share your content, you need to act like an scientist and an artist.

  • Scientist: First, figure out who you are targeting with your content. You want to appeal to the type of people who enjoy sharing stories (and content) within their professional and personal circles. Also, try to make the sharing functions on your content as frictionless as possible. Your audience shouldn’t have to put any additional effort into tweeting or liking your content. If you’re using WordPress, Digg Digg is an all-in-one, floating share bar plugin that works great.
  • Artist: Next, get creative. People don’t share tired, boring content. People share interesting, remarkable content. It can be a blog post, white paper, video, or ebook- it doesn’t matter, just make sure it stands out. Don’t copy what has already been done. Instead, abstract a degree away from something that has already been successful.

3. Distribute Across Social Channels

While you certainly want other people sharing your content, you need to do some of the legwork yourself. Share your awesome content across Facebook, Twitter, and any other social networks that you’ve built a following on. Just understand that each network is different, so your distribution strategy should be specific to each one.

4. Include Calls-to-Action

Creating content is not an end in itself. You create content to generate more leads and customers, so it’s essential to motivate visitors to take desired actions when they engage with content. Make sure that you’re encouraging people to register for events, download additional content, request demos, or sign up for offers.

5. Find Relevant Statistics

Statistics are a great way to back up any points you make in any piece of content. Why? They’re easily digestible, extremely sharable, and highly flexible.

6. Use Visuals

Speaking of statistics, did you know that 90% of the information transmitted the human brain is visual, and visuals are processed 60,000 times faster in the brain than text. Photos and videos have been proven to drive more engagement than boring old text. In fact, just one month after Facebook introduced timeline for brands, visual content saw a 65% increase in engagement.

7. Provide Customer Examples

Customer examples serve two different purposes on your blog or website. First,they’re a great way to draw attention to some of your more loyal customers and let them know that you care (and that you’re proud of their success!) Second, by providing segment-specific examples, potential customers can better identify how your product can help them accomplish the goals that are most relevant to their business.

If you’re looking for more ways to create effective, lead-generating content – or simply a place to share it – shoot us an email at