While every Irishman loves a good pint, there are several staples of the Irish liquid diet that need to be enjoyed for any St. Patrick’s Day to be celebrated appropriately.  Below are the most important adult Irish beverages (are there other kinds of Irish beverages?) and St. Patrick’s Day drinks that must be consumed this Sunday. Day 2 of our “Irish Celebration” series will associate our top four must-have Irish cocktails with the appropriate time of day on St. Patrick’s Day to enjoy these drinks.

Best St. Patrick’s Day Drinks

Good Morning- Irish Coffee

It’s 9 a.m. on Sunday.  Last night was fun, but you need to get yourself going for the real deal.  There will be no better way to cure any aches and pains from the night before than a cup of Irish coffee.  Make a pot of hot coffee (or if it’s a day like today, get crazy, make it iced), stir in two shots of your favorite Irish whiskey, a splash of cream, a touch of brown sugar, and you’ll be on your way to take over Southie.

Lunch- Half and Half

Your Irish Coffee got you started, you’re ready to get going, but it’s still early.  Order a Half and Half (referred to as a Black and Tan in the U.S.) from one of your favorite local Irish Bars.  Each bar will have their own take on this drink composed of half pale ale and half dark porter or stout, an oddly delicious combination perfect to enjoy over lunch.  Try to stay away from calling it a Black and Tan, especially in Boston.  The commonly used U.S. name refers to the British military unit from the Irish War of Independence called the Royal Irish Constabulary who were notorious for attacking innocent civilians of Ireland.  Stay safe, stick to Half and Half.

It’s go time- Guinness, Jameson, Baileys

Your Irish coffee got you going, your feeling nice after the Half and Half’s, now it’s time to party.  The Irish Car Bomb is two things:

1.  Offensive to the Irish

2.  Not an Irish drink at all

What we call an Irish Car Bomb was created in Connecticut in 1979.  Its name was derived from the Irish ingredients used, the way in which it is downed, and the car bombings that ruined parts of Ireland during the Troubles of the 20th century.  So do yourself a favor and avoid calling it an Irish Car Bomb, but find a way to order it over and over again cause it’s freaking delicious.

Uh, Oh- Irish Whiskey

It’s that time of day.  Forget the cocktail part, go straight for the good stuff.  Irish whiskeys are some of the best in the world, so there is plenty to choose from.  Whether it’s Bushmills, Jameson, Kilbeggan, or Redbreast, reward yourself on a job well done.

Image Credit: Half and Half, TrioWhiskey