Some people like to go all-out for the holiday season, and if you’re the type who plays holiday music over your car speakers in June, then you’re also probably one who’s gung-ho about chopping down your own Christmas tree.

Luckily for you, Boston’s bursting with tree farms with firs and pines ripe for the pickin’ – I mean, choppin’. And there’s nothing that will make you more proud of your finely decked halls this season than a tree you hacked down yourself. Not good with an axe? Neither was Rose, but Jack didn’t die with bloody stumps, did he? If the thought of chopping away still makes you nervous, some farms offer a you-pick-they-cut system. But it’s all about the axe-wielding, if you ask me.

So this weekend, pack a thermos full of hot cocoa (hold the peppermint schnapps, re: axe wielding), pull on your sturdiest boots, and set off into the wild. OK no, it’s not the wild, but once you’re on the tree farm, it will basically look like you’re in the woods. The very controlled, 7-foot-tall woods.

By now, these farms are all up and running, ready for you to come choosing, so get there soon: you won’t want to be left with a Charlie Brown-style dud because all the studs got picked over, and some are around for this weekend only. Besides, if you go to the effort of picking it out and chopping it down yourself, you’ll want to have it hanging around for a good while.

If the thought of braving the cold and breaking a sweat scares you, or tires you out, here’s how to get Uber to deliver a tree to your door this Thursday only, and other ways to have one delivered in Boston. Stay tuned for our list of where to buy your own Christmas tree in Boston.

Where to chop down your own Christmas tree in Massachusetts: