Starting next week, The Fenway will be giving away free tickets to TUGG’s annual bash. To win, follow @thefenway on Twitter & Instagram and stay tuned for exclusive giveaways. 

Boston’s tech community is brimming with innovative ideas and groundbreaking products. Just take a peek at what our friends at Whoop or Launch are doing around the corner. But like any successful community, tech folks have organized to ensure that the next generation of entrepreneurs has the education and experience to change the world. Technology Underwriting Greater Good, or TUGG, is a nonprofit group in Boston committed to that mission.

By raising money through venture capital and fundraising events, TUGG supports a portfolio of 31 nonprofits. Beneficiaries include charities that teach kids how to code, provide job training for high risk teens, get young girls excited about STEM, and fight young adult homelessness. Killer concept, right?

On April 16th, TUGG is throwing their 9th Annual Wine & Tequila Party in our bustling corner of Boston. The Fenway is sponsoring the event in a 35,000 sq. ft. space in the iconic Landmark Center, which will be transformed into a modern and abstract interpretation of Boston’s “Emerald Necklace.” The Landmark Center, along with Van Ness and a host of new office spaces, is nestled in the heart of the renowned park designed by Fredrick Law Olmsted. With flexible workspaces, open floor plans, high ceilings and soaring views, the Fenway neighborhood continues to draw tech startups into its emerging innovation community.

The Wine & Tequila Party attracts a diverse mix of entrepreneurs and businesses from the Boston tech ecosystem. This year, TUGG expects about 2,000 attendees who will participate in selecting the nonprofit that receive the highest donation. Last year’s event raised over $350,000 in one night. They are looking to top $400,000 this year.

Top shelf wine retailing in the $100 a bottle range will be served alongside best-in-class tequilas. Why the odd alcohol pairing? The event actually started by just serving wine, but as Boston’s young innovators began attending the yearly celebration, TUGG decided to add tequila to the bar. They ran out in an hour. Henceforth, the event became known as the Wine & Tequila Party. Don’t worry, they’re not mixed together (as far as we know).

Buy your tickets here and join Boston’s most innovative community, help support a great cause, and enjoy some top shelf wine and tequila while you’re at it!

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