Membership has its perks. And I’m not talking about the amenities offered by a private club, or the prestige of being associated with a world-renowned industry organization.

Nearly 700 brands have taken to BostInno Channels to customize their presence, showcase their expertise, engage readers, and drive traffic to their websites. The tremendous growth the Channel platform has undergone begs the question, “what now?” In response, we’ve introduced different levels of Channel membership so partners can sign on to get exactly what they want out of their Channel.

Benefits include early and exclusive access to partnership opportunities and events to raise brand awareness and position your organization as the best in its industry. Analytics to show who is engaged – and just how engaged they are  – with what you’re saying. Promotion and placement on Boston’s fastest growing media platform. Even unlimited career and event listings giving you your pick of the city’s smartest and savviest audience.

And who could forget increased traffic and higher social engagement, in the form of ten times more visits, eight times more page views, four times more tweets, and 12 times more Facebook likes?

Channel partners at the Member and Streetwise levels are reaping the benefits. Changes are coming to ensure all BostInno Channels get desired value out of the platform, and we want to make sure you don’t miss out. This summer, free Channels will need to upgrade to the Basic, Member, or Partner levels in order to continue publishing unlimited content on BostInno.

You can contact for a sneak peek at these enhanced offerings. In addition to the perks mentioned above, paid Channel partners will receive access to the Innovator’s Index, research reports, multimedia content, and BostInno’s State of Innovation Forum, all part of the upcoming month-long feature highlighting local innovation throughout the month of June.

A BostInno Channel won’t wash your car or wine and dine you, it sure can do some pretty amazing things for your brand. Join us, won’t you?