If you’re not at HubSpot’s Inbound conference this week, here’s what you’re missing: failure, humans, wild animals, and water walks.

Failure: Of all the Inbound talking trends, failure is definitely winning (get it?). Seth Godin argued during yesterday morning’s keynote that, if failure is not an option in whatever project you’re building, neither is success. This morning, Arianna Huffington shared wisdom her mother repeated throughout her childhood: failure is not the opposite of success; it’s a stepping stone to success. In successful businesses, failure is not something to fear, but something to embrace as teacher and leader.

Humans: Inbound marketing is about humans reaching out to humans. For Dharmesh Shah, it’s about creating moments of delightion. No more need for interruption marketing, Seth Godin, reminds us, because, instead, the Internet gives us “a cheap, trusted way to keep in contact with our tribe and keep that tribe together.” Be personal in your e-mails, HubSpot’s Sarah Golinger instructs; it’ll make each member of your audience feel valued rather than targeted.

Wild Animals: Seth Godin and Arianna Huffington have both encouraged us to follow the examples set by animals in the wild as we think about how to conduct our marketing outreach and, more broadly, our lives. Godin uses cheetahs as his example. Cheetahs don’t worry about how they’re running, if their feet are landing properly, or if their hips are properly aligned. Instead, “the cheetah is running full cheetah.” Huffington wants us to be more like gazelles: once we’re done running, “we need to graze.” The point? Stop doubting your every move and own who you are and what you do.

Water Walks: As charity:water debuts its September Campaign to bring clean water and, with it, dignity to Orissa, India, they’re featuring a challenge in Club Inbound called Water Walks, which allows Inbound attendees the chance to see how physically taxing it is to carry water about 25 yards, let alone miles on end. Enough people have already tried Water Walks to provide water to an entire village, and any Tweet that features both #INBOUND13 and #September results in a $2 donation from HubSpot to the September campaign.

Inbound isn’t done yet—One Republic plays Inbound Rocks tonight and Nate Silver will be awesome in general tomorrow morning. And for those of you who are attending, an Inbound13 secret: the best coffee is at the WriterAccess stand in Club Inbound. Get a flat white to help you stay wired tomorrow. You’ll thank me.