Ryan Dempster plunking Alex Rodriguez was awesome. Sure, Dempster went on to surrender seven runs in 5.1 innings in the Red Sox loss, and Rodriguez tagged him for a home run in the 6th inning. And yeah, Dempster and other players who have spoken out against Rodriguez for playing through his appeal are hypocrites, as they signed off on the drug agreement in the CBA.

But enough with logic. It was terrific theatre, and we watch sports to be entertained. The atmosphere was electric at Fenway Park last night, and it had everything to do with A-Rod. Or A-Fraud. Or A-Roid. Or Whatever you want to call him. (Conspiracy theory: Baseball is enjoying this process, and the attention that has come with it more than they’re letting on. A-Rod’s at-bats are even bumping New York Jets quarterback coverage from the top of “SportsCenter,” which is almost impossible to do.)

Dempster, just another mediocre veteran starting pitcher on most days, cemented himself as a Boston sports hero last night (mayoral candidacy?) Or, at least, the recipient of goodwill from Red Sox fans who are trying to distract themselves from the team’s current swoon. Which is practically the same thing.

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