UPDATE (6/26/13, 3:39pm ET): Nelson Mandela had been placed on life support in a Pretoria hospital late Wednesday, said an official who had been briefed in detail on his condition — CNN

Former South Africa President and anti-apartheid advocate Nelson Mandela, 94, is reportedly unresponsive as his health has turned to critical condition. According to CBS, Mandela’s ambulance stranded him on the side of the road for 40 minutes after it broke down on the way to the hospital. In the past 24 hours, his health has declined from stable to critical while doctors are doing everything they can to make sure he is as comfortable as possible.

According to CBS’ insider sources, Mandela’s “Mandela’s liver and kidneys are functioning at 50 percent, and he had a procedure to repair a bleeding ulcer and another one to insert a tube.”

Mandela has been in the hospital for the past two weeks fighting a lung infection and repeated bouts of illness due to complications which resulted in him being placed in intensive care, according to Sky News.

Current South Africa President Jacob Zuma said in a statement today that “doctors are doing everything possible to get his condition to improve and are ensuring that Madiba is well-looked after and is comfortable. He is in good hands.”

Serving as the first black South African President and the first elected in a fully representative multiracial election, Mandela rose to prominence as a lawyer protesting against the apartheid-heavy government who arrested him innumerably for actions taken against the prejudiced administration. Usually a champion of non-violent protests, Mandela helped found the group Umkhonto we Sizwe in 1961 leading a bombing spree targeted towards government officials. He was arrested, convicted, and subsequently served 27 years in prison.

Upon his release in 1990 he was elected President of the African National Congress (ANC) through which he brokered negotiations with President  F.W. de Klerk to abolish apartheid and establish multi-racial elections. After his own Presidential election in 1994 he established a new constitution and initiated the Truth and Reconciliation Commission while enacting policies to encourage land reform, combat poverty, and expand healthcare services. He declined to run for a second election.

Stay tuned to BostInno as we’ll be sure to keep you updated on Mandela’s health as information continues to be made publicly available.