Blackouts are no stranger to summer heat waves. Earlier this month, over 12,000 people in the Back Bay were left without power. As heat waves continue to cripple the grid, cranking up the AC is not the only method to beat the heat.  Whether it is utilizing home energy management tips or tracking smart meter usage, remaining comfortable and energy efficient is easy. Although temperatures continue to climb higher, there are several ways to stay cool by using smart grid technology.

Cutting consumption at home is a crucial aspect of keeping cool and saving money. Various items like thermostats and light bulbs can be replaced for more energy efficient options. Also, conserving AC usage will not only slash utility bills, but it will reduce the likelihood of grid crashing.

Another approach to creating a more efficient electrical grid is investing in smart meters. Using smart meters allows utility companies to monitor consumer usage while linking possibilities for renewable resources. They work in conjunction with the smart gird which helps to improve power outage detection and notification. Smart meters remain a reliable resource for their convenience, accuracy, and safety.

Clean technology is a helpful resource when temperatures surge. Choosing the most productive cooling options for your climate not only saves money but also improves comfort. Whether it is conservation via wind power, solar power, or biofuels, the possibilities are endless. Renewable energy resources are more resilient in extreme weather conditions. These systems are less likely to fail because they are distributed and modular, mostly spread out over a large geographical area.  

Maintaining your cooling appliances also helps save money and improves comfort; a broken machine can cost you more money and may not deliver the way you expect it to.

Most importantly, it is essential to stay healthy when the heat rises. Extreme heat can be very dangerous and taking precautions will lower your risk of heat stroke and heat exhaustion. Below are a few tips to ensure safety during extreme heat:

  • Visit Mass Resources for additional information on heat protection:
  • Stay hydrated, drink fluids regularly
  • Limit time spent outdoors
  • Do not leave children, elderly persons, or pets in cars
  • Eat light meals and avoid alcohol

For further resources on staying cool during the summer heat, please visit the following links:


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