As of late and in uncharacteristic Apple form, leaked photos of the company’s next-generation iPhone 5S have been leaking seemingly daily. Usually on top of prohibiting such premature views of their products, this time leaked pics have surfaced of the iPhone 5S display on the assembly line proving that Apple is ramping up production for a release not far off the horizon.

Just yesterday snapshots leaked of what’s thought to be under the hood of the iPhone 5S, namely depicting a larger-capacity battery, a next-gen A7 processor, and dual-LED flash.

Today’s images of the iPhone5S on the assembly line, while grainy and pixelated, are able to show “the redesigned flex cable connectors on the iPhone 5S part can be seen. On the iPhone 5, the two connectors supporting the display itself and the touch digitizer are both oriented horizontally, while on the iPhone 5S one is oriented vertically and the other horizontally.”

Other than that, there’s not a substantial amount of information to take away from the actual photos. However, more than anything the significance stems from what the pics indicate. The common consensus among tech junkies and smartphone pundits is that Apple won’t release any mobile products, along with iOS 7, until the fall.

Reports dating back to late May suggested that the iPhone 5S display is supposed to have double the pixels of the current-generation iPhone 5, approximately 1.5 million pixels to 730,000 pixels. However, this report had much of the Apple faithful crying foul as scaling existing content to the higher-density 4-inch display would prove to be imperfect given the fractional multiplier.

With that in mind, one might consider a cryptic message Apple CEO Tim Cook conveyed in his Q1 earnings conference call back in April saying that Apple wouldn’t even consider manufacturing larger displays until certain concessions (the aforementioned fractional multiplier perhaps?) didn’t have to be made.

To throw another monkey wrench into the works, Mac Rumors also reported in May that Sharp would begin ramping up production of the iPhone 5S displays in June, which happens to coincide perfectly with the photo leak.

If nothing else, the photos indicate that Apple is readily preparing for the imminent iPhone 5S launch which will probably take place in August or September. Stay tuned to BostInno for the latest updates on the iPhone 5S.