With Independence Day falling on a Thursday this year, lots of local businesses are planning to check out for a four-day weekend. Whether your plan is to work right through, return to the office on Friday after taking a day off, or enjoy a full-on 4th of July hiatus, your content marketing can’t simply go on autopilot. Here are three tips to carry your content marketing strategy through the 4th of July, or any long weekend.

Stay Social

The Internet never sleeps, and Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn don’t check out on the weekend. On a holiday weekend, especially, people will be scouring their social feeds while stuck on the trains, planes and automobiles that are taking them to their desired destinations. Take advantage of a captive audience by scheduling tweets and posts sharing content created over the course of the week so they can catch up on anything they might have missed. Free tools like HootSuite and TweetDeck make managing multiple social accounts a breeze.

Be Resourceful

Members of your audience will have some time to enjoy themselves, so figure out how to help them do that, while also making it relevant to your brand. People will be searching for fun things to do, and as mentioned above, enjoying some leisurely reading. Generate creative content that keeps your company at top of mind. A real estate firm might want to highlight their properties offering the best views for fireworks, while a restaurant would be wise to promote Patriotic eats. Looking for more inspiration? Check out BostInno’s 4th of July content that we’ll be cranking on continuously throughout the course of the weekend.

Rank & Grow

In addition to staying engaged with your existing audience, why not try to garner the attention of new prospects? Capitalizing on what’s hot in search helps organizations bolster their SEO rankings, and the holiday is a given for what type of content will be searched heavily all weekend long. AMERICA!

Check out some more ways to make the most of content marketing when you’re out of the office, enjoy the holiday, and reap the benefits of your efforts once you return to work.