This week we explore social analytics in pharma, listening tools for pharma marketers, barriers in emerging markets, the generic drugs relationship to prescription adherence and digital health tools:


– The pharmaceutical industry on the whole has been cautious about its use of social media and mobile technology, but the pace is rapidly picking up. Social Analytics Provides An Rx For The Pharmaceutical Industry from Computerworld suggests ways pharma can begin getting plugged into the social world by sharing the content of their websites and brand-specific portals


– A recent Microsoft Research and Stanford University joint study mining search data, brought to light valuable information that can be gleaned from the massive amounts of data resulting from drug and symptom-related searches. Brandkarma put together a list of 5 Free Internet Tools to Help Pharma Marketers Listen to help navigate the data, and in lieu of the likely demise of Google Alerts, two list additions would be Mention and TalkWalker 


– Analysts project that by 2016, Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC) will all be in the top 10 of global pharma markets and will constitute 30% of the top 10 market. Accenture’s Winning in Emerging Markets: Understanding The Barriers outlines six primary issues facing emerging market growth


– Generic drugs make up close to 70% of the total number of prescriptions filled in the U.S. MedCity News shares Different Shapes, Colors Of Generic Drugs Can be Confusing, Causing Patients To Stop Taking Medications highlighting insights into recent findings on generic drugs and prescription adherence


Future of Drug Development Focuses on Patient Experience – And Digital Health Tools Can Help from Forbes expounds on why the future of drug development will involve a more granular understanding of the patient’s experience of illness

That wraps this week’s review of news from and for the pharma insight community. I’ll leave you with an invitation to learn more about the benefits of real time data  and offer you a personal demo of InCrowd’s on-demand platform  providing you direct and immediate access to Crowds of screened and targeted healthcare professionals.

If you have tips, suggestions or resources you’d like to share leave us a note below and please feel free to suggest topics that you’d like to see covered in future posts.