With the second season of HBO’s The Newsroom set to premiere this Sunday night, we found ourselves looking back on the huge News Night stories covered in Season 1, and getting nostalgic about all of the amazing content Channel partners have shared on BostInno over the past year. While our Channel partners may not be weighing in on oil spills in the Gulf, breaking terrorism news, chasing Bigfoot, or reporting on Egyptian and debt-ceiling crises, they’ve published plenty of posts that turned out to be pretty popular with our audience. Here are some of the past year’s biggest Channel hits, and what we think our favorite Newsroom characters would have to say about them.

Nearly 100 Greater Boston Restaurants Rally to Support Boston Marathon Victims on Wednesday

by Image Unlimited Communications’ JP Faiella

What Charlie Skinner would say: “I hope they all serve bourbon.”

SxSartorialish: The 17 Types of People You Meet at SXSW

by Riparian Data’s Claire Willett

What Sloan Sabbith would say: “Add one more: men that are intimidated by my intelligence.”

“Seen By:” The Facebook Feature That Tells The World If You’ve Read A Post

by Abine’s Sarah Downey

What Maggie Jordan would say: “What a complete and total invasion of privacy! I’m outraged, but not enough to deactivate my account.”

5 Reasons Boston is the Hub of the Marketing Universe

by HubSpot’s Elijah Clark Ginsberg (INBOUND 2013)

What Jim Harper would say: “If you need more proof, you shouldn’t be working here.”

Marketing (and Life) Lessons from ‘Kid President’

by HB Agency’s Molly Delaney

What MacMacKenzie McHale would say: “Will, did you hear that? You’re gooder than that.”

How To Write A Startup Marketing Plan

by Actifio’s Michael Troiano

What Neal Sampat would say: “Bigfoot is as much a part of history as the men referenced in this piece.”

The Official 2012 Super Bowl Ad Assessment

by Digital Influence Group’s Glenn Engler

What Will McAvoy would say: “The Patriots weren’t the only losers that night.”

Why You Should Diversify Your Startup

by Gesmer Updegrove’s Nancy Cremins

What Don Keefer would say: “It would be great to add to our staff. I need to expand my dating pool.”

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