In one of the more captivating trials in recent memory, George Zimmerman was found not guilty of second-degree murder in the killing of 17-year old  Trayvon Martin. The jury compiled of six women spent 16 hours deliberating and reached its verdict late Saturday night. Martin’s parents were not present in the courtroom as the decision was read.

The trial was particularly infatuating due to its racially-charged nature. Zimmerman was accused of killing 17-year old Martin in cold blood because of the volunteer neighborhood watchman’s supposed prejudice towards African-Americans. Now, after being portrayed and accused as such for over a year, Zimmeman will attempt to live a normal, quiet life.

According to USA Today, “Zimmerman’s brother, Robert, told CNN’s Piers Morgan that his brother was processing the reality that he is free.

“He has some decompressing to do,” he said. “Our family was emotional. We are exonerated as a family and George is exonerated as a defendant. It’s going to take us some time to heal.”

A second-degree murder conviction would have put Zimmerman away behind bars for the rest of his life. Similarly, the lesser considered charge of manslaughter would’ve carried the weight of a 30-year prison sentence. The not guilty verdict  means the jury found insufficient evidence that Zimmerman intentionally and with ill will committed the tragic act resulting in the untimely death of Martin.

Speaking to Zimmerman after the verdict, Circuit Judge Debra Nelson said, “You have no further business with this court.”

Acclimating to everyday life will likely be the most difficult challenge for Zimmerman moving forward as the case sparked national outrage and country-wide protests. Twitter reactions by those in support of Martin and his family show that while the trial may be over, Zimmerman and the Florida laws that helped protect him are far from certain.

[Image via Huffington Post]